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There is only one way forward: Connect every man, woman,
and child to G-d Al-mighty!
And, to each other!

Purim Treats
8 new very short videos on The Secrets of the Book of Esther - Lessons for Today. Here’s the first. From there you can get to the eight....

The Jews are the first target, but, the Rabbis, the first of the Jews
Before getting to all the Jews, Haman's first priority to was to kill Mordechai, the Jew who refused to bow, in order to decapitate the...

Purim - why it matters to every human being today and every day
Purim is the holiday that celebrates the G-d Al-mighty's miraculous salvation of the Jews from Haman in the Book of Esther. Every man,...

What drives them?
Them being Amalek. Haman, from the Book of Esther, was a member of the tribe of Amalek. What drove him? What drives his descendants to...

...and to each other!
It's not enough to connect every man, woman and child to G-d Al-mighty but they must be connected to each other. Rabbi Hillel and Rabbi...

I am happy to be here
That's how we start every day - with that assurance. And live every day. That's how I feel about life in general. And about...

Parsha Minute - Tetzaveh - Crooked Judgment Conceals G-dliness; the centrality of proper rulings... the service of G-d Al-mighty. Exodus 28:15 and 30. One of the High Priest's garments was worn to atone for crooked judgments.Woe...

Something really exciting at
We have started something truly exciting and ground breaking at - a weekly class for Germans, some grandchildren of Nazi...

Interview - Playing By the Rules? The REAL Solution – with Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith
In this interview with Tamar Yonah, Rabbi Smith shows how pre-set rules preclude an effective response to threats to our faith, our...

Interview - Rabbi Smith - Alan Nathan Show, Guest Host Karen Kataline - Why G-d Al-mighty Must...
Why G-d Almighty Must Be Front And Center Of Our Awareness. Click here to listen. Please join us by choosing the right track for you at...

Is it sufficient if I am ok?
You have what you need and you it’s all good. Is that enough? No. As long as there is one person in the world who does not have what...

Can Liberty alone fix the world?
Many well-meaning people want to bring back liberty and the principles upon which the United States of America was created. But what they...

Welcome to the most direct and speedy way to the True and Complete Redemption
Read how to most directly and speedily bring Moshiach, Geulah and Redemption
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