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Grandmother and Grandson

Lifeline Legal Defense Fund – Euthanasia

The Holocaust was run by doctors who first trained by euthanizing the elderly and sick and disabled children.  The Rebbe said that a Holocaust could happen in America tomorrow morning.  It's already unfolding with the creation of medical death squads - doctors directly facilitating poison for their patients with the blessing of eight states in America. 

We are fighting to stop this in New Jersey and America because the very lives of all of us is at stake.

Campaign 80B

The world population is merely 8 Billion men and women, a far cry from what it would be now if the cult of scarcity had not eliminated some 500,000,000 men and women over the last 100 years in wars and artificial famine and suffering, and abortions.  

Really the world population should be at least 80 Billion.  G-d Al-mighty set Be Fruitful and Multiply as the foundation of all His Commandments.  He directed us to do so without calculation and without hesitation.


Save Our Freedoms

America suffers now because it failed to actively spark the liberty of every man and woman in the 250 years since the War of Independence.  Since WWII, America has actively participated in the enslavement of half of humanity in Communist countries.  Americans bought the lie of "containment" thinking it was referring to containing the Communist threat, but not realizing that what was really being contained was the spark of liberty.

As a consequence of contracting rather than expanding, Americans are in danger of losing their own liberties in their own land, particularly succumbing to the war of public health, surrendering every liberty out the fear of the air and the fear of authority.

But we will change that, by re-instilling the moral fiber in man and sparking the spark of liberty, united under G-d Al-mighty.

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