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There is only one way forward: Connect every man, woman,
and child to G-d Al-mighty!
And, to each other!
Chanukah - Today, More Brilliant than ever.
Like all Torah holidays, Chanukah highlights reality that continues every day. Chanukah is from the word Chinuch in the Holy Language,...
Watch - Torah Action Plan to Save America: Moment of Silence
Phenomenal interview with Rabbi Avrohom Frank who is moved to save America's children, one school at a time In a recent episode of The...
What a Rosh Hashana in Passaic! Thousands of non-Jews reached with message of hope.
With thanks to G-d Al-mighty, we organized and hosted an incredible ground breaking program in Passaic focused non-Jewish awareness that...
Release of Spanish Prayer Book for Chassidei Umos HaOlam (Libro de Oraciones)
Prayer is the fundamental expression of man. The first words from the mouth of Adam, the first man, was prayer. While prayer can be any...
Chapter & Verse has just released a new publication, Chapter & Verse, highlighting the plain meaning of the Torah verses. This is...
Rabbi Smith dispels 14 Myths about the Sheva Mitzvos Bnai Noach
This week, Rabbi Smith spoke to a group of Chabad Shluchim committed to bringing Moshiach and the Messianic Redemption for the entire...
How important is knowing the Holy Tongue?
For more than 33 years, I have been teaching Torah principles to non-Jews, the Torah principles that apply to every human. I have seen...
The War Against the Divine Image - Rabbi Smith and Rabbi Dr. Glassman speak out against Euthanasia
Rabbi Dr. Glassman is the heroic New Jersey doctor who successfully blocked the State of New Jersey's "voluntary euthanasia" law,...
Rebbe: America expressly founded for purpose of making G-d Al-mighty front and center.
Front and center of daily life, national decisions and education. In this video the Rebbe points to the Divine Inspiration that fueled...
This is the greatest gift we can offer the world - the clarity of the unity of G-d Al-mighty; action
Shituf is not ok for non-Jews; have MORE children in face of man-made famine! 👉The idea that Shituf (believing that G-d Al-mighty has...
What Mordechai the Righteous really heard and what we hear now
Mordechai, the leader of the Jewish People at the time of the Persian exile, had clarity of soul, mind and heart at all times. He warned...
Restoring the sanctity of human life
Rabbi Dr. Yosef Glassman and Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith are interviewed on their urgent work to stop euthanasia/physician assisted...
INTERVIEW - Rabbi Smith on the GJ Walker show - antisemitism a constructed myth to scare and divide.
Click here to listen. Join us to keep learning - chose the right track for you at
Comments on proposed rule I.D. No. EDU-13-22-00025-P
B"H Greetings and blessings: I oppose the above proposed rule. Enlightenment education has brought calamity upon men, Jewish and...
The Children Must Take Matters into their Own Hands
The following is a letter from Rabbi Smith to Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Welton, January 16, 2020, in response to an invitation to Rabbi Smith...
Interview - Rabbi Smith - Karen Kataline - Is abortion "kosher?" (No!)
From Karen Kataline's website: Abortion is currently being portrayed by liberal, secular, activist Jews as “Kosher” despite the fact that...
A peek ahead at the incredible future we are building now
לא יהי׳ עסק כל העולם אלא לדעת את ה׳ בלבד The fulfillment of the Creation of the world will be when every man, woman and child's sole...
Passover a holiday for every man
On one hand Passover is the holiday focused on the Exodus of the Jewish People from Egypt by the mighty hand of G-d Al-mighty. At the...
Passover Video Series
We have just released the first four parts of the Hirsh Family Passover Series in which Rabbi Smith explains the eternal meaning of...
What are some practical tests of "love your fellow as yourself"?
In an earlier article, I wrote that not only do we need to connect to G-d Al-mighty but we need to connect to each other. What are our...
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