There is only one way forward: Connect every man, woman,
and child to G-d Al-mighty!
And, to each other!
Zecharia 8:23
Sign Up & Agreement
Our Mutual Understanding
We enter into this relationship voluntarily and may end it at any time.
Rabbi Smith is not here to tell you what to do and how to run your life but rather to point you to G-d Almighty’s wisdom and answers that have been transmitted through Torah and that are within you.
No payment is due in this relationship. However, it is appropriate to tithe to support Rabbi Smith in his commitments.
a. It is suggested a tithing commitment of $1.00 per day per family, corresponding to a third of a loaf of bread for those residing in other countries with other currencies.
b. You may tithe less if you have financial constraints.
c. You may tithe more in addition to a baseline tithe of $1.00 per day. Such additional tithing can be in the form of financial tithing or in-kind tithing of goods and services.
d. It is appropriate to tithe weekly (ie. choose the weekly contribution option) so that you remain conscious of our relationship and confirm that you are benefitting from it and also investing your time and energy into it.
e. You can cancel at any time, but there are no refunds on previous tithes.
We are both students. In fact, in Hebrew, Rabbi is referred to as a תלמיד חכמים (Talmid Chacham), “a student with Divine Wisdom.”
Rabbi Smith offers no warranty as to experience or results. G-d Almighty communicates with men and your experience will vary with your level of willingness to listen and take action.
Rabbi Smith’s Commitment
To seek and pray for your welfare and well-being.
To teach and guide you in the Torah that is relevant for you, in general, and especially in the issues before us in our times and lives.
To be responsive to your questions and requests for instruction and guidance.
My Commitment
I will question and I will challenge to make sure I understand G-d’s Wisdom and to keep Rabbi Smith in integrity.
I will invest the time to study and integrate the Torah studies shared by Rabbi Smith.
I understand that every gentile is a Shliach (emissary) of G-d Almighty and, as such, I commit to share G-d Almighty’s wisdom, love and hope with other men to bring the Torah to every man, feeling devasted at the thought that there is even one man in this world who does not know and experience G-d Almighty’s wisdom, love and hope. (We call this Shliach 3.0.)
I will not become a follower but rather aim to be a leader as G-d Almighty wants me to be.
If I do not feel I am benefitting from this relationship with Rabbi Smith, I will end or modify the relationship and seek another Rabbi in his stead.
I understand that fulfilling Zechariah 8:23 is an ongoing relationship not a one-time event.
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What you get when you sign up
Most importantly the relationship.
Exclusive access to online live weekly classes for enrollees only.
Exclusive private email address to reach Rabbi Smith for enrollees only.
Notification of newly posted oral and written teachings.
Access to previously posted oral and written teachings.
Access to Rabbi Smith for written and oral questions and answers and periodic inperson or virtual meetings.
Access to the redacted answers from Rabbi Smith to previously posted questions.
Community access to other participants [in development.