In an earlier article, I wrote that not only do we need to connect to G-d Al-mighty but we need to connect to each other.
What are our early warning signs that we are not in connection?
There are a lot of strange actions we can do as a result of those feelings. That's why a large part of the Torah addresses the do's and don'ts in our interaction with others.
But if we could address the underlying feeling, there would be no chance of taking a negative action or word against a family member, friend, colleague or stranger.
Where do these feelings come from? A thought.
A thought of missing out on something, not getting what we want or the possibility of losing what we have. And, a thought that the other person has what we want or may take what we have.
Those are all insecure thoughts. The content is irrelevant. The details are irrelevant.
On the other hand, a secure thought - that G-d Al-mighty is providing me with everything I need and He will continue to do so - immediately creates a secure, happy, wholesome and positive feeling.
And, then take actions that are loving and kind.
And, even if the thoughts are still insecure, why not just jump ahead and take actions that are loving and kind?
Learn how those secure thoughts are innate and you can access them at any time.
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